Created by Three Six Fivefrom the Noun Project

Has there ever been a city more contradictory than New York? It’s exciting and grinding. It’s beautiful and dirty. Its’ sights are world famous, but there is always something to surprise you. It’s an amalgamation made up of fiercely unfettered parts. One can live in Manhattan for an entire lifetime and not ever pierce her […]

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Welcome to Middle Mysteries, the space for creative, powerful women who are embracing their third phase of life.

Gossip Girl
 posted:  {january 15, 2023}

The teen and I have been watching the original Gossip Girl as preparation for our upcoming trip to NYC for her 16th birthday. It is a massive mind scramble to watch this show now as a mother, hearing my daughter react to the scandalous world of the Upper East Side. For instance, when I said […]

 posted:   February 11, 2024

There was a moment this week in which I was violently thrust back into the chaotic uncertainty of the teenage years, as my daughter and I sat surrounded by piles of information and two laptops intent on picking her junior year classes for high school. In theory, my daughter has the privilege of two experts […]

 posted:  January 6, 2024

American audiences might be more familiar with the wardrobes of Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle, but, for me, the sartorial selections of Queen Letizia of Spain always reign supreme. Letizia has a vivid beauty that has only deepened as she’s gotten older, making her the perfect style muse for mature women.   Letizia was a […]

 posted:  November 20, 2023

It’s hard not to get caught up in the consumerism of the holidays. Every commercial, advertisement, For You page, and catalog is full of wonderous items that promise to make our lives infinitely better. Part of the wisdom of middle age is recognizing that buying something just to have masses of presents under the tree […]

photo of ghostly figures
 posted:  October 30, 2023

When you’re a kid, Halloween is a time for fantasy and fun. For a night you are encouraged to transform into another person or creature and roam the darkness with a pack of your friends. For the young ones, it’s exciting to consider the spectral realm: ghosts rising out of their graves, floating over the […]

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