Created by Three Six Fivefrom the Noun Project
Feb 11

There was a moment this week in which I was violently thrust back into the chaotic uncertainty of the teenage years, as my daughter and I sat surrounded by piles of information and two laptops intent on picking her junior year classes for high school. In theory, my daughter has the privilege of two experts […]

Sep 18

Saturday, September 23, 2023, marks the Autumnal Equinox, one of two times during the year when the hours of day and night are balanced. Traditionally it marks the final harvest of the summer, when farmers knew how successful they’d been with their crops, and households began preserving the bounty for the lean times of winter. […]

Sep 5

Hair is a funny thing. All humans have it, so it’s in no way unique. For the most part, it’s a renewable resource as it continues to grow until we die. With extensions, you can even buy someone else’s hair and pretend like it’s yours. It shouldn’t carry the importance it does. But from time […]

Aug 12

August has been the month of things breaking down. First it was our house air conditioning, unfortunately a must-have in Southern California. Also unfortunate was the news that we needed an entire HVAC system, and it would cost $20,000 to install. Then my car decided it wanted to act up. Another couple grand. The last […]

Jul 4

Today is July 4 and instead of thinking about pool parties and barbecues, I’m pondering the origins of this nation that we call the United States of America. Lest you think that I’m overly obnoxious for bringing up historical matters on what is traditionally the most celebratory holiday of the year, there is a reason […]

May 29

I’ve been blaming it on the hormones. For a couple of years now I’ve experienced a variety of strange behaviors that make me feel out of step with the world. I’ll find myself in a completely ordinary situation that I’ve been in thousands of times and my response to it seems bizarre and unreasonable. For […]

Apr 30

Becoming a mother was a privilege that I fought hard for. I had multiple miscarriages before and after my daughter was born. She is the light of my life, and, like most of you, I take my role very seriously. Parenting is a hard, often thankless job during which you constantly toggle between joy, fear, […]

close up of grass
Mar 20

Traditionally the beginning of spring brings thoughts of rebirth, renewal, and rejuvenation. All living things move from a contractive state into the yearning power of growth. We experience a quickening of creativity as the sun begins to melt winter’s frost from our bodies and minds. The richness of the earth invites us to cultivate and […]

Jan 22

Findings show women are leading “the Great Breakup” with traditional corporate jobs. According to the 2022 Women in the Workplace Report, women are demanding more from their employeers than ever before. For the past eight years, research experts McKinsey & Company have partnered with LeanIn.Org to conduct the largest study on the state of women […]

Jan 7

A few months ago, some friends and I went to the Immersive Frida Kahlo Experience in Los Angeles, CA. The concept of the exhibition is that the viewer walks into a few cavernous spaces onto whose surfaces multimedia of Frieda’s artwork and words are projected, juxtaposed with photos of relevant era events—all amidst music and […]

Created with sketchtool.





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